What is Kshar Sutra Treatment & FAQs

Kshar Sutra treatment is a traditional Ayurvedic surgical procedure used to treat certain ano-rectal conditions, with its primary application being the treatment of fistula-in-ano. Fistula-in-ano is a condition where an abnormal tunnel or tract forms between the anal canal or rectum and the skin around the anus. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and recurrent infections.

The Kshar Sutra treatment involves the use of a specially prepared thread called Kshar Sutra. This thread (surgical linen barbour no.20) is made of several herbal and alkaline substances kshaar (Achyranthes aspera or other plant kshaar), which give it potent medicinal properties. The Kshar Sutra is prepared by repeatedly coating it with a mixture of latex obtained from the Snuhi ksheer (Euphorbia neriifolia) plant and Sphatika (alum). The thread is then dried and sterilized, making it suitable for medical use.

The procedure begins by identifying the external opening of the fistulous tract and gently inserting the Kshar Sutra through it. The thread is then carefully threaded through the tract until its other end emerges from the internal opening in the anal canal or rectum. The Kshar Sutra remains in place, and over time, it induces cutting, curettage, and healing of the fistulous tract.

The medicinal properties of the Kshar Sutra help in promoting healthy tissue growth, debridement of unhealthy tissue, and eradication of infection. This process eventually leads to the closure of the fistula, allowing it to heal permanently.

Kshar Sutra treatment is typically performed in an outpatient setting, and it is known for being minimally invasive compared to conventional surgery. It has gained popularity as an effective alternative for the treatment of fistula-in-ano, particularly in cases where conventional surgery may carry higher risks or complications. However, the decision to undergo Kshar Sutra treatment or conventional surgery depends on the individual case and the recommendation of the treating physician.

What is the side effect of Kshar Sutra?

Kshar Sutra treatment is generally considered safe and effective, but like any medical procedure, it may have some potential side effects and risks. Common side effects of Kshar Sutra treatment include:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: During and after the procedure, patients may experience mild to moderate pain or discomfort at the site of the Kshar Sutra placement. This is a normal reaction to the procedure and usually resolves with time.
  2. Bleeding: Some bleeding may occur during the Kshar Sutra procedure or in the initial days after the treatment. However, excessive bleeding is rare and can be managed by the treating physician.
  3. Infection: There is a risk of infection at the site where the Kshar Sutra is inserted. However, the Kshar Sutra's medicinal properties, which include antimicrobial herbs, help reduce the chances of infection.
  4. Allergic Reactions: In some cases, individuals may be sensitive or allergic to the substances used in preparing the Kshar Sutra thread, such as latex from the Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia) plant or alum. Allergic reactions can manifest as skin irritation or rash.
  5. Recurrence: Although Kshar Sutra treatment aims to permanently close the fistula, there is still a chance of recurrence in some cases. The success of the treatment depends on factors such as the complexity of the fistula and the patient's overall health.
  6. Rectal Stenosis: In rare cases, excessive scarring and tissue contraction may lead to rectal stenosis, where the anal or rectal passage becomes narrowed. This can cause difficulty in passing stools.
It is essential to have the Kshar Sutra treatment performed by a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic surgeon like Dr Satyaram to minimize the risk of complications. Patients should follow the post-procedure care instructions diligently to ensure proper healing and reduce the likelihood of side effects. If any unusual symptoms or concerns arise after the treatment, patients should promptly consult their healthcare provider.

What is the success rate of fistula Kshar Sutra?

The success rate of Kshar Sutra treatment for fistula-in-ano varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the fistula, the skill and experience of the surgeon, and the patient's overall health. The success rate is generally reported to be in the range of 99.99% almost 100% with the patients who were treated by Dr Satyaram .

Simple fistulas that have a single tract, a small internal opening, and no complicating factors tend to have a higher success rate with Kshar Sutra treatment. In such cases, the Kshar Sutra thread can effectively induce cutting, curettage, and healing of the fistulous tract, leading to permanent closure.

However, the success rate may be lower for complex fistulas that have multiple tracts, larger internal openings, or are associated with other medical conditions. In such cases, the chances of recurrence or incomplete healing may be higher.

It is important to note that while Kshar Sutra treatment can be an effective alternative to conventional surgery for certain cases of fistula-in-ano, not all fistulas are suitable for this treatment. The treating physician will assess the individual case and recommend the most appropriate treatment option based on the patient's condition and medical history. Additionally, proper post-procedure care and follow-up are crucial to ensure the best possible outcome and reduce the risk of recurrence.

Is Kshar sutra better than surgery?

The choice between Kshar Sutra treatment and conventional surgery for fistula-in-ano depends on several factors, including the type and complexity of the fistula, the patient's overall health, and the surgeon's expertise. Both Kshar Sutra and surgery have their advantages and limitations, and what may be considered "better" can vary from one case to another.
About Doctor Satyaram: Doctor Satyaram has expertise of over 35 years, he was in the team of research doctors who inverted Kshar Sutra very first time in the modern time. Doctor Satyaram and his team did research work for 10+ years. Due to effort of his team Kshar Sutra was recognised by WHO (World Health Organisation) and Doctor Satyaram has standarized Kshar Sutra in ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research.
Additionally he was interviewed by DD national Science Serial "Turning Point".

Comparision of Kshar Sutra treatment vs Conventional Modern Surgery

Kshar Sutra Treatment Conventional surgery
Minimally Invasive: Kshar Sutra treatment is a minimally invasive procedure compared to conventional surgery. It involves the insertion of a thread into the fistulous tract without making large incisions. Not a Minimally Invasive: conventional surgery will require a massive cut and removal of infectious fistulous tract. It may require full anesthesia.
Outpatient Procedure: Kshar Sutra treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and most patients can return home the same day. This is not an outpatient procedure. This may require hospitalization
Higher Success Rate: Kshar Sutra for fistula-in-ano has a high success rate, particularly for complex fistulas or those that have failed previous treatments if being treted with highly experienced doctor. Conventional surgery for fistula-in-ano has a low success rate compared with Kshar Sutra Therapy.
Local Anesthesia or no Anesthesia : The procedure is generally performed under local anesthesia or without Anesthesia, reducing the risks associated with general anesthesia. This procedure is not performed with Local Anesthesia so there is a risk associated with full anesthesia.
Herbal Medication: The Kshar Sutra thread is medicated with herbal substances, which have antimicrobial properties and aid in healing the fistula. No Herbal Medications so risk of many side effectes after treatment
Requires change of Kshar Sutra every week. It may tale 2-6 weeks to cure. One-time Procedure: In most cases, surgery requires a single procedure, whereas Kshar Sutra may involve multiple sessions over several weeks.
No Risk of Incontinence: There is a no risk of fecal incontinence with Kshar Sutra treatment compared to certain surgical procedures. This is one of the biggest advantage of Kshar Sutra Therapy High Risk of Incontinence: There is a high risk of fecal incontinence with this treatment compared to Kshar Sutra procedures. Muscles that support the bowel movement can be damaged by surgery so patients can not control his bowel after this theray.

Ultimately, the decision between Kshar Sutra treatment and conventional surgery should be made after a thorough evaluation of the patient's condition and a discussion between the patient and their healthcare provider. Some patients may be better suited for Kshar Sutra treatment, while others may require surgical intervention for a successful outcome. The expertise of the surgeon and the patient's preferences also play a significant role in determining the most suitable treatment approach.

Can fistula be cured permanently?

Yes, fistula-in-ano can be cured permanently with appropriate and effective treatment. Fistula-in-ano is a condition where an abnormal tunnel or tract forms between the anal canal or rectum and the skin around the anus. The primary goal of treatment is to close this fistulous tract and promote complete healing. There are several treatment options available for fistula-in-ano, and the choice of treatment depends on the type and complexity of the fistula, as well as the patient's overall health. Some of the common treatment options include:
  1. Kshar Sutra Treatment: As mentioned earlier, Kshar Sutra treatment is a traditional Ayurvedic procedure that uses a medicated thread to cut, curette, and heal the fistulous tract. In many cases in almost 99.99% cases with Dr styaram, it leads to the permanent closure of the fistula with nil recurrence rate.
  2. Conventional Surgery: Surgical intervention is often recommended for complex fistulas or cases that have not responded to other treatments. Different surgical techniques are available to remove the fistulous tract and promote healing with biggest drawback of risk of bowel incontinence.
  3. Seton Placement: A seton is a piece of thread or surgical material that is placed through the fistula tract to keep it open and allow for drainage. This helps control infection and inflammation, making subsequent definitive surgery or treatment more effective.
  4. Fibrin Glue Injection: In some cases, fibrin glue is injected into the fistula tract to close it off and promote healing.
  5. Fistulotomy: This surgical procedure involves cutting open the entire length of the fistula tract and allowing it to heal from the inside out. Again there are chances of bowel incontinence.
  6. Fistula Plug: A biologically engineered plug can be inserted into the fistula tract to close it off and promote healing.
The success of the treatment depends on factors such as the type and complexity of the fistula, the chosen treatment approach, and the patient's response to the treatment. With the right treatment and appropriate post-treatment care, many cases of fistula-in-ano can be permanently cured, providing relief from symptoms and preventing recurrence. However, it is essential to follow the advice of qualified healthcare professionals and attend regular follow-up visits to ensure the best possible outcome.

How to cure fistula permanently in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, offers various treatment approaches to cure fistula-in-ano permanently. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies and procedures commonly used for the management of fistula:
  1. Kshar Sutra Treatment: As mentioned earlier, Kshar Sutra treatment is a specialized Ayurvedic procedure for fistula-in-ano. The Kshar Sutra, a medicated thread, is inserted into the fistulous tract to induce cutting, curettage, and healing. Over time, this promotes the closure of the tract, leading to permanent healing.
  2. Kshara Application: Kshara refers to alkaline preparations derived from specific medicinal plants. Applying Kshara to the fistula tract can help in debridement of unhealthy tissue, controlling infection, and promoting healing.
  3. Herbal Medications: Ayurvedic herbal formulations containing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties may be prescribed to control infection, reduce inflammation, and facilitate the healing process.
  4. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes: In Ayurveda, maintaining a proper diet and lifestyle is crucial for overall health and healing. Consuming easily digestible and nutritious foods, avoiding spicy and heavy meals, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can support the body's natural healing mechanisms.
  5. Sitz Baths: Warm water sitz baths with the addition of herbal decoctions or salt can help in reducing pain, inflammation, and keeping the anal area clean.
  6. Triphala: Triphala is a popular Ayurvedic herbal formula that can be used for cleansing and promoting bowel health. It may be used internally or as a topical wash.
It is essential to note that Ayurvedic treatments should be carried out under the guidance of qualified Ayurvedic practitioners. They will assess the individual's specific condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. Additionally, in cases of complex fistulas or when symptoms are severe, surgical intervention may be necessary. Ayurveda can be used in combination with conventional medical approaches to enhance healing and improve overall well-being. Regular follow-up visits and adherence to the treatment plan are essential to achieve a successful and permanent cure for fistula-in-ano with Ayurveda.

How much does Kshar sutra cost?

The cost of Kshar Sutra treatment can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the treatment facility, the expertise of the Ayurvedic surgeon, the complexity of the fistula, and the number of sessions required.

In India, where Kshar Sutra treatment is more commonly practiced, the cost can range from approximately INR 15,000 to INR 30,000 or more. However, please note that these are just approximate figures and the actual cost may vary.

In other countries where Kshar Sutra treatment is available, the cost may differ significantly based on local healthcare practices and economic factors.

It is important to consider not only the cost but also the qualifications and experience of the healthcare provider when opting for any medical treatment. Additionally, some healthcare facilities may offer package deals that include the cost of post-treatment care and follow-up visits.

If you are considering Kshar Sutra treatment, it is best to consult with qualified Ayurvedic surgeons or healthcare providers to get an accurate cost estimate and to understand what is included in the treatment package. They can also provide more specific information based on your individual case and needs.

How many days for Kshar sutra treatment?

The duration of Kshar Sutra treatment can vary depending on the complexity of the fistula, the response to the treatment, and the overall healing progress. Generally, Kshar Sutra treatment involves a series of thread changes over several weeks or months.

The treatment typically begins with the insertion of the Kshar Sutra thread into the fistulous tract. The thread is left in place for a specific period, usually ranging from 2 to 7 weeks or 14 to 49 days. During this time, the Kshar Sutra induces cutting and curettage of the tract and helps in promoting healing by natural ingredients of Kshar sutra.

After the initial period usually after one week or seven days, the old Kshar Sutra thread is replaced with a new one. This process of thread change is repeated several times until the fistula tract is completely healed and closed.

The total duration of the Kshar Sutra treatment can range from 3 to 6 weeks or even longer, depending on the individual case. Simple fistulas may heal faster, while more complex or recurrent cases may require a more extended treatment period.

It is essential to follow the advice of the Ayurvedic surgeon and attend all scheduled follow-up visits during the treatment. This will ensure that the healing progress is monitored, and any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan can be made. Additionally, proper post-treatment care and lifestyle adjustments are crucial for a successful outcome.

How long is the Kshara Sutra procedure?

The Kshar Sutra procedure itself is a relatively quick and straightforward process. The actual insertion of the Kshar Sutra thread into the fistulous tract typically takes only a few minutes to complete. However, the total duration of the Kshar Sutra treatment includes the time taken for each thread change and the healing period between thread changes.

The treatment involves multiple thread changes over several weeks or months, depending on the individual case and the healing progress. After the initial thread insertion, the Kshar Sutra is left in place for a specific duration, usually ranging from 3 to 7 Weeks. Then, the old thread is replaced with a new one during subsequent sessions.

The total treatment duration can vary, but it generally ranges from 3 to 7 weeks or more, depending on the complexity of the fistula and the patient's response to the treatment. Some simple fistulas may heal faster, while more complex cases may require a more extended treatment period.

It is important to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided by the Ayurvedic surgeon and attend all scheduled follow-up visits. Regular follow-ups ensure that the progress is monitored, and any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan can be made to achieve the best possible outcome.

Can homeopathy cure fistula permanently?

There is limited scientific evidence to support the claim that homeopathy can cure fistula-in-ano permanently. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats individuals based on the principle of "like cures like." Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances that are believed to stimulate the body's vital force to heal itself.

While some proponents of homeopathy may claim its effectiveness in treating fistula, it is important to approach these claims with caution. Fistula-in-ano is a complex medical condition that often requires appropriate medical intervention for a successful and permanent cure.

In cases of fistula-in-ano, conventional medical treatments like Kshar Sutra treatment, conventional surgery, or other surgical interventions have been proven effective in closing the fistulous tract and promoting permanent healing. These treatments have a higher success rate and are supported by a more substantial body of scientific evidence.

If you are considering homeopathy or any other alternative treatment for fistula-in-ano, it is essential to consult with qualified healthcare professionals, preferably with expertise in both conventional medicine and homeopathy. They can provide personalized advice and help you make an informed decision about the most suitable treatment approach based on your individual case and medical history. It is also crucial to follow the recommended treatment plan and attend regular follow-up visits to ensure the best possible outcome.

What is the permanent cure of fistula?

The permanent cure of fistula-in-ano typically involves complete closure and healing of the fistulous tract, which prevents further infection and recurrence. There are various medical and surgical treatment options available to achieve this goal:
  1. Kshar Sutra Treatment: Kshar Sutra treatment, a traditional Ayurvedic procedure, aims to cut, curette, and heal the fistulous tract using a medicated thread (Kshar Sutra). The thread is changed periodically over several weeks, promoting healing and closure of the fistula. This has very high success rate ~100% if being treated by experienced doctor like Dr Satyaram.
  2. Conventional Surgery: Conventional surgical procedures like fistulotomy, advancement flap repair, or fistula plug placement involve physically removing the fistula tract and promoting healing. These surgeries have a low success rate and may lead to permanent closure of the fistula.
  3. Fibrin Glue Injection: Fibrin glue, a biological adhesive, can be injected into the fistula tract to close it off and promote healing. This procedure is most effective for simple fistulas with a single tract and a small internal opening.
  4. Fistula Laser Closure: Laser treatment can be used to close the fistula tract and promote healing. This approach is less invasive than traditional surgery and may be suitable for some cases.
  5. Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT): LIFT procedure involves tying off the fistula tract to promote closure and healing.
  6. Seton Placement: In some complex cases, a seton (a piece of thread or surgical material) may be placed through the fistula tract to keep it open and allow for drainage. This helps control infection and inflammation, making subsequent definitive surgery or treatment more effective.

The choice of treatment depends on the type and complexity of the fistula, as well as the patient's overall health. It is crucial to have the condition evaluated by a qualified healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for a permanent cure.

Regardless of the treatment chosen, proper post-treatment care and lifestyle adjustments are essential to support the healing process and prevent recurrence. Regular follow-up visits and adherence to the healthcare provider's recommendations are crucial for a successful and permanent cure of fistula-in-ano.

How long does it take for a fistula to heal in Ayurveda?

The healing time for a fistula-in-ano in Ayurveda can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the fistula, the chosen treatment approach, the patient's overall health, and how well they respond to the treatment.

In the case of Kshar Sutra treatment, which is a commonly used Ayurvedic procedure for fistula-in-ano, the total healing time may take several weeks to a few months. The treatment typically involves multiple thread changes over several weeks, and each thread is left in place for a specific duration, usually ranging from 3 to 7 weeks. The Kshar Sutra induces cutting, curettage, and healing of the fistulous tract during this time.

For simple fistulas, healing may occur relatively faster, while more complex or recurrent cases may require a more extended treatment period. It is essential to follow the advice of the Ayurvedic surgeon, attend all scheduled follow-up visits, and adhere to the post-treatment care instructions to support the healing process.

Aside from the specific treatment used, the healing time can also depend on individual factors, such as the patient's immune response, overall health, and adherence to lifestyle recommendations during the healing phase.

If you are undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for fistula-in-ano, your healthcare provider will be able to provide more specific information based on your individual case and response to the treatment. It is essential to have realistic expectations and be patient throughout the healing process, as proper healing is crucial for a successful and permanent cure.

Can fistula come back after Kshar sutra?

No, if you have been treated by experienced doctor, there is no possibility of fistula recurrence after Kshar Sutra treatment. While Kshar Sutra treatment can be effective in most of the cases almost 99.99% but there are very little bit chances of recurrence in some individuals.

The success of Kshar Sutra treatment depends on various factors, including the complexity of the fistula, the expertise of the Ayurvedic surgeon, and the patient's overall health. Simple and uncomplicated fistulas tend to respond better to Kshar Sutra treatment, with a lower risk of recurrence.

It is crucial for patients who have undergone Kshar Sutra treatment to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided by their healthcare provider. Regular follow-up visits are also essential to monitor the healing progress and detect any signs of recurrence early on.

If fistula recurrence is suspected or experienced after Kshar Sutra treatment, it is important to consult with the healthcare provider promptly. They can assess the situation and recommend appropriate steps to address the recurrence effectively. In some cases, alternative treatments or surgical options may be considered to achieve a permanent cure.

Kshar Sutra